Being a lifelong Super Mario fan, (Super Mario 64 is what made me fall in love with gaming); I’ve always anticipated the next 3D Mario and what great ideas and fun Nintendo will churn out for the current console. Super Mario Oddessy, despite being bloated with a zillion moons to collect, was still hours upon hours of delightful entertainment. The latest main installment in the Super Mario series, ...[Read More]
I played this little indie game during a period of grieving in my life and I figured at the time that’s why it resonated so heavily with me because of the emotional turmoil I was going through. However, I went back and replayed this indie title a few years later to see if it still struck those same chords and I can say not only did it deliver, but it was even better upon a second play-through. Wit...[Read More]
The follow up to Naughty Dog’s 2013 masterpiece The Last of Us. This game is one of the most polarizing video games I’ve ever witnessed released. Being such a huge fan of the first game I was taken by surprise fairly quick with the brutal death of protagonist Joel early on in the game. I know that this is the moment a lot of people turned the game off and gave up on it but this wasn’t the problem ...[Read More]
Face me!
Devil May Cry 5 is widely regarded as the second-best entry in the series, just behind the genre-defining Devil May Cry 3. It stands out now as an incredible action game that every fan of the hack-and-slash genre should partake. Building on the franchise’s legacy, it offers an engaging story, jaw-dropping visuals, and some of the most refined gameplay mechanics the series has ever seen. The plot t...[Read More]
Game of the Year 2024! Over the now 30 years since the Playstation 1 was released back in 1994 there has been a stellar lineup of mascots for the platform. On the PS1 we had Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Solid Snake. For the PS2 we were introduced to Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank. Also between the next console and PS2 we had the mighty God slaying Kratos then on the PS3 we...[Read More]