Crash Bandicoot: Warped (Aka: Crash 3)

Crash Bandicoot: Warped (Aka: Crash 3)

The Peak of the Series

Remember when a studio could churn out a sequel in a year and have it actually be quality? Those were the days. Crash Bandicoot: Warped was released in 1997 and holy heck, did Naughty Dog knock it out of the freaking park! Working off of 2, Crash 3 somehow took what was golden and made it platinum. This is a trilogy where it actually managed to do what others could not, have each installment top the other. Crash 1 was a decent enough start, 2 was fantastic, Crash: Warped is nothing short of a masterpiece. 

Having been destroyed in the previous installment, the Cortex space station comes hurtling towards Earth. It CRASHED (I swear this is the last time) into an ancient temple and a sinister entity is released. Crash and his family hear a maniacal laugh- Aku-Aku immediately recognizes it to be….HIS OWN BROTHER – Uka-Uka. It turns out from the beginning Uka-Uka was the one pulling the strings the entire time!… DUN DUN DUN! Uka Uka has had enough of Cortex’s incompetence. With help of Dr. N.Trophy, they create a time twister machine to travel through ages and gather the gems and crystals yet again. Crash, Coco, and Aku-Aku must put a stop to their plan and save the world…..yet again. 

The gameplay, while similar to 2, takes something that was near perfect and somehow improves even further. This game plays smoother than a hot knife through butter. The platforming in this is sharp, crisp and a blast to play. To keep things fresh – an assortment of vehicles and swimming levels have been introduced. Swimming levels are fine, but just a tad janky. Vehicle levels are fun, but can be frustrating, especially the motorcycle levels. You can’t turn around or go backwards, so missing a box means you aren’t getting that level’s gem. To acquire the crystal, you have to come in first place. The levels aren’t too difficult on their own, but trying to gather the crystal and gem in one go sure can be. I guess you could say it gives the levels more replayability. Speaking of which, a new collectible has been introduced – time relics. Once you obtain the level’s crystal, a time-trial is now unlocked. Simply reach the end of the level in the allotted time to acquire the relics. The faster you get to the end = the better the relic you will get –  normal, gold, or platinum. The bosses this time around are improved. They aren’t that much harder than 2, but they are a lot more fun and inventive.

The moveset has been expanded yet again. After each boss fight, you will unlock a new ability – Gliding, ultra belly flop, a double-jump, a faster run speed, and last but certainly not least, a freaking bazooka! These power-ups help significantly with later levels. The enhanced run speed makes the time trial levels less aggravating. Secret levels and gems return in this game as well, so again, keep your eyes open. 

The level design in Warped is peak Crash Bandicoot. Naughty Dog created a wonderfully cartoonish world packed to the brim with 90s charm. Seeing as the hub-world is a time twister machine, you will visit a vast variety of different eras- beautiful medieval castles, prehistoric wastelands where you can ride a baby dinosaur (not you Yoshi), or a futuristic metropolis. Naughty Dog always delivers in the music department and here is no exception. The soundtrack, for lack of a better word, is a freaking banger! Seeing as the levels are varied in their time and locations, the music reflects this as well. Beautiful regal music will accompany you in the medieval levels, while the motorcycle stages have a swinging 50s vibe to it. 

Crash: Warped is a phenomenal entry in the series. Not only is it one of the best sequels ever made, it’s one of the best games period. All across the board this game is a masterpiece that still holds up even today. This would sadly be the last Crash platformer Naughty Dog would give us. Truly the end of an era – like the rest of the OG trilogy, it is not available on modern hardware. Thankfully the N.Sane Trilogy can offer something just as good. Recommended on every level, best game in the series without a doubt. Gather the crystals, get the gems, acquire the relics and save the world from evil yet again.

That’s a wrap… or should I say, Warped!


Verdict: 10/10

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