Yes, that’s really the title
No, you shouldn’t play it
Dexter’s Laboratory was a classic Cartoon Network program, the adventures of a plucky boy genius and the mayhem that ensues around him. Dexter’s Lab featured an excellent blend of science-fiction and comedy contributing to peak Cartoon Network and is one of the most cherished and beloved cartoons of the 1990s. As with anything popular in those days, a video game tie-in was inevitable. In 2002, Mandark’s Lab would be released for the original Playstation. As a kid, I loved the show, so when I got it for Christmas I couldn’t wait to boot the game up on my Playstation. With heavy anticipation, I put the disk in. Loaded up the game…then I pressed start…… Any optimism I had with this title was dashed faster than the Flash gyrating his hips on the dance floor.
Dexter’s Laboratory: Mandark’s Lab?, has Dexter’s arch-nemesis, Mandark, infiltrating his lab, and plans to destroy it. The lab has been infected with several viruses and a giant stack of dynamite has been planted for good measure. Dexter must put a stop to this madness and regain control over his lab. Not a particularly interesting or engaging plot. It gets worse…
The game is an action-adventure title, but I dare contest that the ‘adventure’ part is more of an afterthought. The vast majority of gameplay is broken up into various minigames. All of the mini-games are boring and repetitive. One mini-game features a cart-race with power ups, however, enemy AI is so poorly designed that the power-ups are rendered completely useless. A good chunk of the mini-games are the poor man’s PaRappa the Rapper; nothing more than a dull rhythm game. Not to mention, you can beat this game in about 2 episodes of the show itself.
The graphics are fine, if it was 1995. This was released after the PS2 was already out, the fact that Crash Bandicoot 1 looks better than this is unacceptable. The sound design is okay but nothing special. Dexter’s Lab was known for a varied and memorable soundtrack. The music here is generic and bland. If there is one area that this game falls COMPLETELY flat on its face, is its cutscenes. All the cutscenes in this game are reused assets from the show with new lines dubbed over. I have never in my life seen such a lazy approach to a games narrative.
Boring mini-games, forgettable music, and lazy cutscenes culminate in what is, without a doubt, one of the dullest games I have ever played in my life. What is really upsetting is that with a show about a boy who can invent anything, you would think a game based on that would have all the potential in the world to be awesome. I can emphatically NOT recommend this game to ANYONE! Not even the most die hard Dexter’s Lab fans. Put on your lab coat, take notes and throw this game into the failed experiment pile.
*Insert evil laugh,